15 Amazing and Cute DIY Halloween Costumes ( Kids Edition) - A Bountiful Love

15 Amazing and Cute DIY Halloween Costumes ( Kids Edition)

Halloween is less than two months away! Do you have a costume yet?  There are lots and lots of awesome and creative homemade Halloween costumes out there. If you are like me Pinterest is my number one source for inspiration. If you have a creative bug, check out these 15 Amazing and Cute DIY Halloween Costumes.

1. DIY Minion Costume from Craftaholics Anonymous

 2. Chicken Costume from Living the Swell Life.

3. Penguin from Make it and Love it.

4. Cabbage Patch Doll from Costume Works

5. Gumball Machine from A Casarella

6. Monarch Butterfly Wing from Buggy and Buddy


7. "Airing out Laundry Costume" from Coolest Homemade Costume

9. Clark Kent from Geek Tyrant


10. Thing 1 and Thing 2 from A Bountiful Love


11. Dart Vader from The Nesting Spot


12. Yoda from The Nesting Spot

13. DIY Ursula Costume from A Bountiful Love


14. DIY Ariel Costume from A Bountiful Love


15. DIY Headless Costume from Nature for Kids



  1. Ultra cute! Halloween is slowly becoming more popular in Australia and I'm sure my grandchildren would love these. Thanks for sharing with us at #AnythingGoes link up

    1. Hi there Sue! I am glad to find your link up and will definitely come back!

  2. Hi Cristina. Thanks so much for linking up to Thriving on Thursdays. I'm hosting a Halloween round up post tomorrow on the blog and this post will be featured. Thanks for your support.

    Anne @ Domesblissity


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