One of the many ways you can save money is through making your own mixes or seasonings. additionally, it is healthier plus you can always tweak certain ingredients. You can make a big batch of mixes and include it on your spice shelve to save you some time. A couple of homemade seasonings that I make in big batches are taco seasoning and ranch dressing mix as I regularly use them.
This homemade beef stew seasoning that I am sharing below is very easy to make. In fact, you might already have all the spices and dried herbs inside your pantry. To use this seasoning, add 3 tbsp to your beef stew recipe. I scroll down below to see other homemade pantry staples and seasonings that you can make. Some recipes have a free printable so you can refer to it easily.
1 cup flour
2 tsp oregano
1 tbsp basil
2 tbsp salt
1 1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp powdered/granulated garlic
1 tsp paprika
1 tbsp celery seed
1 tbsp rosemary
Just mix all the ingredients together. As easy as that! Use 3 tbsp for Beef Stew recipes.
Recipes you might like:
Vegan Bouillon and Ranch Dressing Mix Recipe
8 Clean Eating Seasonings (FREE PRINTABLE)
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