First and Last Day of School Sign Printable - A Bountiful Love

First and Last Day of School Sign Printable

  Aren't you amazed how time just quickly goes by? It felt like yesterday I was planning for our summer fun and in a few more days's back to school again! Our soon to be the first grader is just over the moon excited. I am however having a boiling pot of emotions. Excited for sure for all the new things that are in store for her. More, new, and fun things to learn. New and old faces. A new door for her. I am also worried about safety. I think of her new teacher, how will she or he can affect our child's life, will they be a teacher who passionately cares for her students. 

  I can go on and on. I know this is familiar territory for most parents. All I know is that we can rest into God's hands. He is in control. I pray that the Lord will bless her with new and good friendships. I pray that she will be a light to other students who don't know Jesus. May she stand firm for the weak and be a blessing to others. May she keep that burning desire for learning lit. I hope and pray that she may know that she is more than just a school grade.

Let's document these special milestones! Preschool to 12th grade, just click on the image to print. You don't have to print all of it of course just choose the page (or grade) that you want.

First Day of School Sign - Free Printables (Preschool to 12th grade)

and let's not forget the last day of school. I am always in awe of how much they have matured and grown in a school year.

Last Day of School Signs- Free Printable ( Preschool to 12th grade)

Stay tuned for more back to school printables! Meanwhile, are we friends on Pinterest?

Back to school Tips


  1. Cute - I always love to see what you bring to our #FridayFrivolity parties

  2. I love these! Such a fun and pretty school idea! Thanks for sharing your printable with us at Merry Monday!


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