The following learning toys are my own personal choice that our kids enjoyed . Know that every kid is different so always follow their lead. Base on your kid's age , keep in mind too that playing doesn't always involve fancy toys. It may just involve things around your house. Their imagination is endless .
We just have to encourage it. While some kids loves movement , some may just love to be an observer first. While some reacts to stimulation great, others may find it so overwhelming. Follow their lead, sometimes we may have to bend some rules or the toys manual on how it should be played. All learning toys should be a fun experience for you and your children.
These brightly colored over sized geometrically shaped nuts and bolts promotes bilateral coordination, motor planning, eye-hand coordination, color recognition and fine motor skills. Helps increase attention and focus. Shapes are squares, triangles, crosses, and hexagons. Ideal for 3-5 yrs old.
Click the photo for more info : (
Caterpillar Magnetic Maze
This is a fun way to learn their colors , practice their concentration and fine motor skills. Kids use the special magnetic wand to move colorful balls through the
maze…before dropping them into their matching sections of the
caterpillar. It is a permanently sealed maze , makes it fully contain. I have a toddler at home so I don't have to worry about the small balls . This toy can be purchased at Lakeshore Learning. Ideal for 3-5 yrs old.
Amazon has a similar toy Melissa & Doug Magnetic Number Maze
MindWare Imaginets
These are 42 pcs of magnetic wood blocks. It is in a traveling case which is really good if you want to bring the fun during travels and came with 50 cards of design challenges that they can copy. We love it because it boost fine motor and visual thinking skills. Kids can construct animals , faces and more! Big sister's face is just adorable right after she replicates a card. She beams with pride :)
The magnetic board surface doubles as a dry erase board , so they can draw and decorate a backdrop for their creations. 2fers are nice ..right? Ideal for 3-5 yrs old
These are 42 pcs of magnetic wood blocks. It is in a traveling case which is really good if you want to bring the fun during travels and came with 50 cards of design challenges that they can copy. We love it because it boost fine motor and visual thinking skills. Kids can construct animals , faces and more! Big sister's face is just adorable right after she replicates a card. She beams with pride :)
The magnetic board surface doubles as a dry erase board , so they can draw and decorate a backdrop for their creations. 2fers are nice ..right? Ideal for 3-5 yrs old
Click the photo for more info : (
Leapfrog Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set
These magnetic animal set plays learning songs to teach children about animals and their sounds. It also great for fine motor skills ( when they learn to match and fit each magnetic piece in the slot)
Ideal for toddlers 1 to 5 years old
Can be played on fridge or floor
These magnetic animal set plays learning songs to teach children about animals and their sounds. It also great for fine motor skills ( when they learn to match and fit each magnetic piece in the slot)
Ideal for toddlers 1 to 5 years old
Can be played on fridge or floor
Click the photo for more info " (
To play this game, each player take turns in placing monkeys in the palm tree one by one , and see how many monkeys you can hang in the tree. this game teaches preschoolers hand - eye coordination and patience too. Big sister gets too frustrated when the tree top falls down and I think it is a good opportunity to teach them to always try again :)
Click on the photo for more info : (
This is a very easy game to play with our kids. It’s played just like traditional bingo, only when you call out a letter, they search for it on their game cards—and get an exciting introduction to both upper- and lowercase letters. This game came with red cardboard chips , I am not a big fan of it so we replaced it with those stone beads that we purchased at a dollar store., Even our 23 month old jumping bean enjoyed it ( we shared a card , she enjoyed putting the stone beads on the card..and she got a kick out of shouting B-I-N-G-O )
This is an ideal game if you want your preschooler to learn the concept of loosing, taking turns and that board games have rules. Helps with letter fluency and aids in letter recognition. It's fun for a family game night. This game can be purchase at Lakeshore Learning but has a similar product.
Click on the photo for more info : (
This game is played by picking up monkeys and building a parade to win. If you drop your monkeys, you lose your turn. We used this game to enhance her fine motor skills. It also helps on her hand-eye coordination.
Click on the photo for more info : (
This toy aids in language development skill. As for our 23 month old, we show her first where it goes , we say the body part out loud and make her repeat it too. It does helps with their fine motor skill as well.
Click on the photo for more info : (
Our daughter loves puzzles and we find this puzzle helpful in teaching her rhyming words.

Our daughter loves puzzles and we find this puzzle helpful in teaching her rhyming words.
Click on the photo for more info : (
This game helps in identifying beginning sound , develops and gross motor skills. It also aids in building cooperative learning skills. they just simply take turns tossing a beanbag on the non slip mat..then saying the beginning sound of the word it lands on. This can be purchase at Lakeshore learning and amazon has a similar one too.
This game helps in identifying beginning sound , develops and gross motor skills. It also aids in building cooperative learning skills. they just simply take turns tossing a beanbag on the non slip mat..then saying the beginning sound of the word it lands on. This can be purchase at Lakeshore learning and amazon has a similar one too.
Click the photo for more info : (
Lacing Cards Set
Lacing builds eye-hand coordination and fine motor control . Each card is made of indestructible plastic, so children can lace them again and again. They just thread the laces right through the holes. This lacing cards can also be purchased at lakeshore , however it can be purchased at toy stores or at
Lacing builds eye-hand coordination and fine motor control . Each card is made of indestructible plastic, so children can lace them again and again. They just thread the laces right through the holes. This lacing cards can also be purchased at lakeshore , however it can be purchased at toy stores or at
Click on the photo for more info : (
Keep the playing fun. There are a lot of benefits in playing. And again it doesn't have to involve fancy, expensive toys. My suggestions above are solely my own opinion . Even a leisure walk outside , kids enjoy picking up sticks , collecting rocks and leaves.
" Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere " --- Albert Einstein
Skills Your Preschooler Needs to Know Before Going to School
What a great resource list! My little guy's birthday is next month, and the grandparents are already asking what to get him. I'm going to put some of these on a wish list for him. I know he would love the sound toss! Thanks for sharing this with us! :)
ReplyDeleteHi fun! grandparents are great :) thank you for stopping by and I really do appreciate it :)