DIY Lacing Set - A Bountiful Love

DIY Lacing Set

 Why teach your preschooler or toddler (when ready) to lace? Lacing is a good way to enhance their fine motor skills. Why do we need to practice fine motor skills? Because it is a necessary tool for learning how to write and a crucial part to several life skills. In addition to developing fine motor skills, it is also good for hand-eye coordination skills. It reinforces their decision and problem-solving skills by threading a string in and out of the holes in a piece of cardboard or lacing card.

Typically, lacing sets can cost around $10-20.  However, you can make your own lacing set for half the cost (maybe much lower cost) and you may already have the materials on hand such as scissors, puncher, pen, and cookie cutters

You will need:

cookie cutters of various shapes
a sheet of craft foam (you can use different colors if you like!)
shoelaces (bought mine at the Dollar Tree store)

All you have to do is trace all your shapes using your cookie cutters.

Cut it all out, and punch holes in the surrounding sides of the shapes.

Take a piece of a shoelace and tie a knot at the other end. This will serve as a stopper.

Easy peasy right? Depending on your child's skills, you can first demonstrate how to lace or thread the shoelaces between the holes. Be patient and be consistent, as always make it fun by providing reinforcements such as stickers!

You can also make an alphabet lacing set.

These foam sheets came in 12 pcs in a package, Imagine how many lacing sets you can make or save the rest for a craft day.

 (To purchase or to see product info , click on photo or link)


If you are not a big fan of foam sheets, you can also make one that is a little bit more durable. Just print a picture using a cardstock (or any picture) that your child is into and laminate it. Using the process mentioned above, just punch several holes and use a yarn or shoelaces for the stringing.

 Here's a good deal for a laminator :

Now , If you really want an indestructible lacing set, because you have kids with " hulk like" grip, we have these set from Lakeshore Learning.

Jumping bean likes it too, she's not even 2 yet..

It came in 12 different and colorful designs.

Here's something similar from Amazon.

and something for a little boy too.


Have fun with your kids!

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