We all have that one friend that truly brings out the best in us. They lift us up when needed and inspire us with their actions and words of wisdom. I always believe that true friends will always lead you to Biblical truths when certain situations, troubles, and joyful moments arise. Conversations with a friend that adds value to our faith journey are to be cherished. It is such a blessing to have a deep conversation with a friend. Those meaningful conversations leave you wanting more time together. You grow together. You feel revived and restored after spending time with each other.
The book, Revived and Renovated by Victoria Duesrtock and Paige Rien reminded me of how important positive and faith-filled conversations are in our life. The theme of the book is conversations between two women both creative and busy moms. They are both skilled and expert with home renovations. They are both the master decorator of their homes, who also had found their calling...to help you navigate through those DIY projects or renovations (big or small) and walk you through the importance of also reviving and renovating your faith.
REVIVED (Adjective)
1: regarding a person or thing that's been restored to the consciousness of life, or from a depressed, inactive, or unused state: brought back.
2: renewed in the mind or memory.
RENOVATED (Adjective)
regarding a person, place, or space that's been restored to a former, better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) or restored to life, vigor, or activity.
While the meaning of certain DIY project terms is provided at the beginning of each chapter, I thought I share the first two above. How rare it is to really ponder what those two words really mean? How often do you only refer to those words, revived and renovated on home projects? Reflecting on their meaning, you will have a glimpse of what the book is about. About not only renewing or making our homes pretty on the inside and outside but also about transforming our hearts along with our minds.
In the beginning, I was a little confused with the book and its setup. Funny me wanted to know who says what! But I was overthinking the book. I soon realized that there is a flow and consistency. I'm happy I did not give up on the book as it is really full of wisdom and inspiration. Rooted in Biblical wisdom and their faith, the authors share their real-life conversations on almost everything. Real-life moments that all of us moms experience and do.
Have you ever connected the connection between renewing our faith and home renovations? Me either. Home projects, big or small has the capacity to overcome our life, thoughts, and actions. It can be a big undertaking, depending on how you will perceive it. This book convicted me that renewing a space doesn't have to be a grand and expensive act. There are so many ways to revive or restore a space (even or whole home) it can just be a small corner project or just a decluttering project. Sometimes, the world of Social Media portrays a different world. Where people get to show their highlight reel, beautiful, and expensive home spaces, even renovations but the full picture, the behind the scenes, the real and raw story behind it is rarely shared. If we are not careful, we will end up incapacitated. Feeling unequipped. Unhappy with your own home and ungrateful for what we have.
That's what I love with this book, it reminds us of a lot of things such as:
To not get caught up with the lies of what social media can bring.
The work inside our home is important and so is the work deep within our hearts and soul.
That home project does take time, effort, and dedication and it should be the same with our desire to know God.
That faith will require work too.
The importance of rest.
How God wants a relationship with us.
God's unending mercy and grace renew us.
Furthermore, along with the scriptures shared in this book, you will also find real home projects and ideas that you can do in your own home. You get to be encouraged while reading this book plus you get to learn too!
Publisher: End Game Press
Format: Hardcover, 144 pages
BUY LINK: Revived & Renovated
TO WIN A COPY OF THIS BOOK: Giveaway-Revived and Renovated *through FrontGate Media
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