50 Things To Do with Kids Before They Grow Up. - A Bountiful Love

50 Things To Do with Kids Before They Grow Up.

  You know when seasoned parents tell you to enjoy your little ones because they grow up too fast.. listen! It might seem like an offending comment especially if you are currently in this season of chaos and sleepless nights but know that this season will pass. It seems like yesterday that I have two little ones that tug on my shirt. Constantly needing me, endless diaper changing, mommy calling, and how their world revolves around eating -sleeping- mom- dad -play, and repeat. Now our talks are about the things she learned at school, her new friend and the latest scoop at the school playground. 

UPDATE: When I wrote this, the girls were in first grade and a preschool (homeschool). We now have a soon-to-be 5th grader and a third-grader.

  Now that summer vacation is fast approaching, I know most of you have already mapped out fun stuff to do's. Most of the time, having fun will cost little to no money at all. You can check your town's community center for affordable summer classes. Sign your kids up to your local library's summer reading program or much better if you have an older kid, they can volunteer too! Speaking of volunteer gigs, you can also check your local church on how the whole family can give the gift of time to volunteer. There are just so many things out there, just do your research. You will be surprised! Here are 50 simple, affordable, and sometimes free fun things to do with your kids..before they grow up! Trust me..you'll be building great memories and healthy relationships.

1. Teach them how to pray. Most especially how to pray for others.
2. Camp out. Backyard or just in your living room. Get the sleeping bags, flashlights, or tent out.
3. Let them have cereal for dinner. Relax. Serving them cereal for a night won't destroy their childhood.
4. Puddle jumping. Explore the inner kid in you too.
5. Let them play in the dirt.
6. Watch the sunset together.
7. Make a sandcastle.
8. Build a snowman.
9. Make a pizza together.
10. Make a time capsule for them. Stuff a jar or a box with their favorite items.
11. Write love notes to them.
12. Have fun in a tub together. Blow bubbles.
13. Have a daughter? Let them apply your makeup.
14. Play in the rain.
15. Make paper boats and play with them.
16. Play pretend with them.
17. Daughters: Let them paint your toes!
18. Sons: Make a mini car together out of wood scraps.
19. Let them make your breakfast.
20 Teach them how to write thank you notes and letters. Snail mail is still the best.
21. Make a memory frame box.



22. Build an obstacle course - backyard or living room.
23.  Make a bird feeder out of bird seeds, toilet paper roll and peanut butter.
24. Make a recipe box or recipe binder for reference when they grow up.
25. Build a blanket out of their baby onesies.
26. Donate old toys together.
27. Visit a senior center.
28. Write letters of hope and encouragement to sick kids and mail them together to a Children's Hospital.
29. Visit as many museums as you can. Kids are sponges, they learn a lot.
30. Make a family tree together.
31. Build a homemade growth chart.


32. Show them your pictures when you were young.
33. Tell them stories when they were babies.
34. Learn a musical instrument together.
35. Make a scrapbook together.
36. Plant a tree in your backyard.
37. Commit to several random acts of kindness.
38. Give them a journal. Even when they are too young to write their thoughts. You will be amazed at how they can express their feelings through drawings.
39. Record a music video together.
40. Make a handprint keepsake.

Easy Salt Dough Handprint Keepsakes


41. Explore nature together. Show them how beautiful God's creation is.
42. Have several kids? Schedule one on one dates.
43. Do fun and messy science experiment.
44. Save up for a plane ride. Brave the flight! Take your kids on a fun trip, instead of a long drive..embrace the air flight.
45. Make homemade play dough, and play pretend kitchen. Make fun food creations!

Kool-Aid Play Dough

46. Discover new cuisine with them. Introduce new culture, through food. 
47. Make Friday, a family date night. Play games, make a sundae bar, movie night or order Chinese takeout.
48. Read lots of books for them and with them.
49. Show them that there are things that you can make cheaper at home, Make your own sandbox for instance.


50. Let go of the mess and embrace the imperfections.

Here are some inspirational reminders for you! Pin-it or save it as a screen saver. Let it remind you that, kids indeed are growing up too fast.

Don't forget to pin and share!!


  1. i dont have kids but i will do this when i do

  2. I have to say, I do believe I did a lot of these things, if not most of these things when I was younger!! :) I should send this to my sister who just had a daughter.

    1. That's great! We did almost all of that with our girls except for a couple of things.. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. That's a GREAT list. And #1 is very important... glad to see it there. Visiting from #LifeIsLovely link-up

    1. It is the most important thing, thank you Trena for the visit!

  4. What a great list! My favorite is #1! I'm sharing this on social media and featuring it on Tuesday Talk this week! Thanks for always sharing such great ideas with us! -Jessica, Sweet Little Ones

    1. It is so awesome Jessica! Thank you again and I really do appreciate it!

  5. Great ideas! Pinned... and it is true; I look at my 12 year old who is just about the same height I am and think "when did he get that big?"

    1. 12 year old..I'm not ready yet! lol Thank you so much for stopping by !

  6. This is such a sweet list and I love the printables. Thanks for sharing at Meet up Mondays.

  7. Okay they all need to come back home because I forgot a few!!! :) Great list of ideas and brings families together for sure. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Well I am certain that you are a great mom! You are very welcome..

  8. This is such a wonderful list! My children are grown, though I'm happy to say I've did a lot of the things on the list #35 is one I'm SO happy I did - I made wonderful scrapbooks for each of my children and gave them as gifts to them when they turned 21. I know they'll cherish those! Visiting from Grammie Time's summer party - thank you for sharing!

    1. How awesome Cindy..me too! While making this list, we have done most of it and we still plan on doing the rest. Thank you for stopping by..

  9. My kids are all grown up now, but I remember doing a few of the things on your list. There are so many ways to have fun and make memories that don't cost a fortune. :) Thanks for sharing at #LMMLinkup!

  10. What wonderful ideas! I am pleasantly surprised that we have already done many of the things on your list. Just relaxing and not worrying is so important. Thanks for joining us at the #LMMLinkup.

  11. Great list! I've done a few already. The only 'issue' I have is that I'd take pit threat certain ones are specifically for sons or daughters. My oldest son loves letting me do his nails sometimes. It's all in fun and being a kid :)

    1. * I'd take out that certain

    2. definitely! Spending time with them regardless of what kind of activity is the most important thing. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. So many lovely ideas here! I think my favourite is the time capsule; it would be so cool to bring back all those memories in the future.

    Thanks so much for linking up with #FridayFrivolity!

  13. Oh I love this article - I often forget from day to day just to stop and enjoy my son, but this article reminds me how fast it goes. (sigh). Thanks for sharing and giving me a jolt to start doing this.

  14. What beautiful ideas! Those are the memories you want to keep!

  15. I like the ideas but I really dislike that there are certain things you think a daughter or a son should do. It is so important to teach our kids from start that they can do whatever they want no matter their gender. Soon enough society will label them...we don't have to do that when they are small.

    1. Hi there :) The list is meant to inspire parents to build strong relationship with their kids. A gender base list of activities is not on my mind. Of course parents should and must encourage their kids,our girls plays with cars, trains and trucks. At the end of the day, YOU are the one who is in charge of your kids and how you would want to raise them. Not the society and definitely not the articles we read. Do one from this list , do two..it really doesn't matter as long as we pour love on our children

  16. Great ideas!! May I add one? Take as much naps as you can with your kids. I really enjoy to take long naps on weekends holding my son in my arms. And he loves it, he sleeps much deep and quiet as when he does it alone.

    1. Yes! Naps..that is an awesome idea. When our firstborn was a baby..I have to admit I was concern with my to do list..and the things that needs to get done. As she grows up right before my eyes I realize that time is passing by. So I do make a conscious effort of building my relationship with them.

  17. Wonderful tips.. thank you. Done some of them already with my 3 year old and will surely try the others our as well. Thank you very much.

  18. Wonderful tips.. thank you. Done some of them already with my 3 year old and will surely try the others our as well. Thank you very much.

    1. You are welcome! I appreciate you stopping by...Blessings!

  19. These are not only great tips for my own children but great for me to us in my Special Education classroom. I found ten which I am going to change around for my students to try in a learning situation.
    I really like this post thanks for posting it.

  20. Make a music video and building a tree house sound like so much fun! This is a fantastic list and I love how it focuses on building a connection with your kids and enjoying their time.

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