Busy Boxes for Kids - A Bountiful Love

Busy Boxes for Kids

Do you ever run out of ideas sometimes to engage with your little tot at home ? I do and those days that I really needed an hour or so to work oo pay bills or just to even take a breather, these BUSY BOXES had been a life saver.

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We purchased these plastic containers at home depot long ago and it was just the perfect size for putting different games and activities.   You can make a weekly theme or everyday theme on each boxes.  I will be su8ggesting some fun themes that you can use.

The first time that I prepared these busy boxes for Lily, I made it as simple as possible.

Monday- a couple of nursery rhyme books , bingo daubers , a bingo dauber printable and pom poms for counting or you can give your child an empty egg carton or a muffin tin and let them separate the pom poms per color.

Tuesday - set of stamp markers , play dough, kid safe scissors , play dough accessories and a couple of picture books.

See here for : Homemade Playdough

Wednesdayfinger or hand puppets, foam shape blocks , Baby's first coloring book , small pack of crayons and a touch and feel book.

Thursday - Lacing activity , counting flashcards and a couple of books.

See here for : DIY Lacing Set

Friday - felt animals , bag of beans--> yep just a bag of beans and some scooper, measuring cups and a couple of alphabet books.

You can even just put wooden blocks on one busy box..they can stack it..build simple words.

 Here's a few ideas for themes. Print it here : BUSY BOX THEMES PRINTABLE

If you are still not sure of what to include in your busy boxes, here's a few ideas and inspiration:

For the All About me busy box, you can print a  blank face printable  

 For this all about me flower printable , if your lil one does not know how to write yet..you can fill in the spaces. You can cut out family pictures, their favorite colors and you can let them paste it on the paper, or let them color the whole flower. Get the All about me printable here

You can also include their favorite book in the box, or an album to recognize family faces.

For the Make and Share theme, gather some craft supplies like pipe cleaners, beads,  craft foams
 , paints. Let them make a bracelet or any artwork. It is made and share, so we can give it to family or their daddy..or grandma.

Be creative. Use what you have in your home. It doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg. Go through those catch-all baskets that you have, sometimes it's amazing how they can forget a small toy and they get excited when they see it again. It's like new all over again for them.

Here are the free labels for your busy box containers.
Print it here: BUSY BOX LABELS

Have fun learning and playing with your little kids at home!

Pin for later and share!! 



  1. These are great! Pinning this for about a year down the road hehe

  2. I love the idea of boxes for each day. I'd need to adjust things a bit to be safe to use on a bed (for use during rest time) but such a great idea. I'm always looking for more creative ideas than just the books and magnet sets we use now. :)

    (visiting from A Little R & R Wednesdays)

  3. That is actually a really good idea, I am going to get boxes for the kids at home and will tag the activities with days. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful idea with us


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