8 Good Books that Teaches Feelings and Emotions - A Bountiful Love

8 Good Books that Teaches Feelings and Emotions

Age 3 and up . An expressive photo book that precisely describes the emotions, contains simple text and right on point photographs. It introduces basic emotions such as happy, grumpy, thoughtful, and more and how people can show them.


 Ages 4-8. A picture book about a little girl named Sophie who becomes angry with her sister for trying to play with the stuffed gorilla that she wants to play with. When Sophie gets angry at her sister, she runs away from her house and climbs a big beech tree where she watches the waves and lets the calm breeze comfort her. When she feels better she climbs down and goes happily back home. The illustrations have vibrant colors. I like how the size of the illustrations emphasizes how big and powerful Sophie's anger has made her feel. It also teaches young minds that colors can also be associated with feeling. (example: red for angry)



Bad days happen too and this is something that we teach our daughters. Bad days are okay and normal.  There are a lot of ways to save your day! Alicia gets herself out of her bad day in her own way.


Ages 3-8 yrs old. Lots of fun! You know how you can see funny faces on fruits or vegetables? Sometimes in the sky too actually.  Well, this is a fun book for your young ones. This book is a wonderful way to expose kids to the concept of emotions, to know the difference between being sad, tired, etc. It does not explain what each feeling can mean however the funny illustrations did a great job of describing emotions.


Ages 1 and up. I think adults and older kids can benefit from this book. It teaches young kids to be thankful not just on material things but there are a lot of beautiful things in our lives to be thankful for. Yes, there are emotions of anger, sadness or loneliness but there is always something to be thankful for.


Ages 3 -8 yrs old.  The pictures help  children learn to read emotions in others as well as the situations that may cause those feelings ( common situations)


Ages 3-8 yrs old. A very entertaining and easy to read book. If you have a young one that gets frustrated that can't seem to use their words or name their emotions, this is your book.


  Ages 5 and up. Feelings can be confusing and overwhelming for young kids when they don't exactly know the words to describe it or express it.  This book helps children build more vocabulary for communicating their emotions.  From "A is for Awesome" to "Z is for Zany".


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