I get it though mama. We hold the fort. We make sure everyone is well-fed, safe, nurtured, and loved. We are our children's' chauffeurs, nurse, personal shopper, and cheerleader. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes that our husbands may not know such as planning and coordinating the flow of our household. I once told my husband that mind is like a computer, with many tabs or windows opened throughout the day.
Honestly, I sometimes go to bed without even washing my face! I am just tired. I do not have time to pamper myself. However, it is very important to practice self-care.
Remember, we can NOT pour on an empty cup.
There are many ways we can practice self-care:
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Yes, you have time to read a book. Just sit down and immerse yourself in a good book. I am reading Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. And purchase two books to read after, Uninvited by Lisa TerKuerst and Change Your Brain Change Your Life by Dr. Daniel Amen.
3. Eat healthily. This will take extra effort on our part since it needs meal prepping. Make sure that we have healthy snacks on hand.
4. Exercise and be active. That's it, I said the bad word! I don't like it either but it is very essential. Aside from the benefit of losing weight, regular exercise releases good chemicals that improve our brain sensitivity and mood. Need more convincing? READ HERE.
5. Get plenty of rest. This is a challenging one especially when we have babies at home and even small children. But do your best to get a minimum of 7 hrs of sleep. Rest when you can. Nap is divine.
6. Have a skincare regime. According to Northwestern Medicine, regular skin care is necessary as it is not only a surface-level concern. Buying skin care products can be overwhelming due to the wide array of choices in our beauty aisle. Start with a good cleanser, moisturizer, and a sunblock. Stay as close to natural products as much as possible,
Simply Earth's July box is all about creating a clear and glowing skin! The box came with 6 (6 steps to a beautiful skin) recipe cards and 1 diffuser recipe. Along with the recipe cards are four (15 ml) full-size quality essential oils, DIY compressed mask, and 2 oz Lavander Hydrosol.
The four essential oils are:
CLOVE - Has antibacterial and antifungal properties, great for boosting immunity, and aiding digestion.
ROSEMARY- This essential oil helps balance skins' natural oils. Improves brain function, stimulates hair growth, pain reliever, repels bugs, increase circulation and reduced inflammation.
FRANKINCENSE- Immunity support, skin-healing, tension and joint pain reliever, respiratory support, stress-reducer, promote oral health, anti-inflammatory properties, improves memory, and anti-aging.
CLEAR SKIN BLEND - balances the skin and reduce the appearance of redness.
Are you prone to acne or have teenagers that have acne? Here's a Clear Skin Roll-On that I made earlier this morning.
As always every purchase you make with Simply Earth helps fight the cause to stop human trafficking. 13 percent of their profits help several organizations in fighting human trafficking.
This month, 13 % of Simply Earth's profits are going to Grounds of Grace. An organization that assists and empowers ms of human trafficking throughout the U.S. Grounds of Grace provides intense trauma psychotherapy, medical assistance, nutritional health plans, food services, clothing, job skills training, spiritual guidance, and opportunities to pursue quality education.
To learn more about the Grounds of Grace and how you can further help and make a difference, VISIT HERE
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Subscription boxes are $39/month. If you buy the products individually, normally it will cost you around $100 (depending on the type of oil and size). That is a significant saving! Last month's box sold-out so do not wait too long to order.
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14 Benefits and Uses of Essential Oils
Benefits and Uses of Frankincense
Simply Earth's Clear Skin Blend
11 Facts About Human Trafficking
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