Healthy Living Link Party #81 - A Bountiful Love

Healthy Living Link Party #81

Welcome to the Healthy Living Link Party #81

   Most people will never make the necessary changes to improve their health. In fact, a recent study published by Journal of the American Medical found that less than half of people who had a heart attack or stroke made any meaningful changes to their lifestyle. And just 4.3% made all of the changes recommended by their doctor.

   Why? One of the biggest reasons why we don’t make changes in our lives is that even though we know we should, we simply don’t know how.
When you think about it, it’s shocking to realize the only thing holding many of us back from living healthier lives is a lack of knowledge.

   That realization has spurred me to do something about it in any way I can – and it’s why I so strongly support the new Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle (2016 Edition) from the Ultimate Bundles Team. It’s a curated collection of 83 eBooks and eCourses on healthy living from the finest mentors out there.  The combined value of the resources in the bundle is over $2,400, but you get EVERYTHING for 98% off! What’s more, if you order today, the Ultimate Bundles team will give you an extra-special Early Bird bonus.

   If you know you need to make changes in your life, but lack the knowledge (or even the motivation) to make these changes, The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle will remove that barrier for you.  Worried you won’t know where to start with all the resources in the bundle? Don’t be! Inside the bundle you’ll find a handy Getting Started Guide so you can take action right away.

   Whatever your health goals – whether it’s losing weight, healing yourself from a chronic illness, getting more energy, increasing mental clarity, or just getting fit – you can change today, right now, to have the life and health that you want tomorrow. The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle will show you how.

Now onto the party!!

Collaborate with us and we would love for you to pin with us. Pin your healthy living related post , recipes, giveaways, reviews and more! If you like to join our collaborative board,  you can email me at abountifullove (at)gmail (dot)com or comment below!

Join our Healthy Living Link Party Collaborative board.

    We’d like to thank each and every one of you for making every week so amazing! Keep sharing your healthy and inspiring posts with us.  If you are new here , we are so glad to have you!! Have fun and make new friends! I appreciate each and everyone of you for joining us.

The Healthy Living link party is all about living a healthy life. Link up your posts related to healthy living and recipes that are low carb, low calorie, paleo, keto, organic, clean, etc. Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring and is more fun when you share your recipes and find some new ones. We all pick our week's feature, so don't forget to stop by their blogs!

 Here’s what your hosts have been up to this week

    Lemon Lavender Cakes by Phruitful Dish

    Don't forget to grab your button if you are featured
     photo Feature Button_zps3bx7qsie.jpg

    SIMPLIFIED Rules of the Party: 

    • Link up only healthy living related post --> recipes, tips, guidelines, giveaways, etc.  

    By adding your link to this blog hop gives A Bountiful Love and all the Co-Hosts permission to share your posts and pictures via social media. Emails are obtained ONLY TO NOTIFY participants of the next link-up and for that reason only. You may opt out of these emails by unsubscribing from them at any time.

     Let's party, link up below!

    1 comment

    1. lovely features! those lavender cakes look so good!

      stop by and chat with me ♥


    Thank you for stopping by and know that all of your comments are appreciated !