10 Father's Day Gifts Under $10 - A Bountiful Love

10 Father's Day Gifts Under $10

    I truly believe that sometimes, fathers are being taken for granted. There are a lot of blogs and websites geared towards motherhood. Books that prepare you for pregnancy, classes that teach soon to be dads on how to be supportive of the soon to be a mom. I remember watching Dax Shepard on one of his interviews about being a dad and how his experience with his wife's C section delivery was. He said..there was no class nor advice that can prepare him from what he saw on that operating room.

    It is time to put the dads on the pedestal, our hard-working husbands ..our funny partners, our late night dates. For all those mood swings they endure because of our monthly visits ..Ha! -- sounds familiar? Our simple man..who likes simple things. These 10 shirts for under $10 are a great bargain..great gift for the simple man in our lives.

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Not that we moms or ladies do not emit unpleasant gas, it's just dads are just inborn comedians I think. Nothing can make you laugh like his sense of humor..and his..gas.

Yep, I couldn't agree more! I too have the BEST. DAD. EVER. He is in heaven with our Heavenly Father.



 I actually thought I can wear this shirt.

Rules For Dating My Daughters Shirt

Watch out, nothing can scare dads---> specially when they have daughters. 

 Ladies, the way through a man's heart..is bacon too.

It just doesn't apply to babies ya know..nothing like a nice...( beep)

 I think I will be needing that Happy Wife , Happy Life shirt too..

I may be wrong shirt

There you go...Harry Potter and Star Wars fans, how about that for $4.00


Is dad a fan of Batman or acting like Batman? He'll love this shirt!

I'm not saying I'm Batman Shirt

1 comment

  1. These shirts are so fun! I love the idea of giving something like this - especially because it's so affordable. Thanks for joining us at #FridayFrivolity this week!


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