Letter of the Week : Ff - A Bountiful Love

Letter of the Week : Ff

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 * The Letter of the Week for Preschool series contains affiliate links . See full disclosure HERE. It will also feature several links and other awesome blogs to which I will give credit for their great job .


 To save money , local library is a good option. You can also use whatever books you may have in your home library to supplement with the lesson.

From the library ...

From our book shelves..

  • Fish and Frog By Michele Knudsen ( image below)
  • Lucy and Bob by David Martin  ( image below)
 Our daughter enjoyed reading this paperbacks , the words are very simple. The illustrations are beautiful and simple..not too busy for preschoolers who are learning how to read.

We always start by saying the letter out loud. Teaching her the phonetic sound of the letter. Next is the line tracing and letter tracing of both  upper case and lower case letter F)

You can download this free letter Ff  tracing sheets here :

Letter Ff tracing - D'nealian

Letter Ff is for fish tracing - Standard

You can download these Do a Dot activities here :

Ff is for frogs and flies - Making Learning Fun

Ff  Do a Dot Activity - Confessions of a Homeschooler

We practiced counting skills , Download this clever printable here :

1 Fish 2 Fish by Where's My Knickers

We painted a fish bowl too... there is nothing more enjoyable for little kids than a messy painting activity.

We played a finding nemo puzzle. Lucy loves to play with puzzles, it does help with their fine motor skills by trying to fit each puzzle pieces, and patience.

I gathered a few pieces of things in our house that starts with the letter F. I read the words to her , pointing at the object. Then I shuffled all the words and asked her to place the matching words to the objects. It teaches her word familiarity .

We played the Let's Go Fishin' game. I do recommend this game, it is fun for them and it does help in their eye-hand coordination , concentration and can I tell you again that it teaches PATIENCE? . It does! Trust me , this 4 year old..lacks it , but it is understandable.

To purchase this game or to see more info , click on the photo or link :


 If you would like to incorporate bible teachings with your lessons , you can download and print,  Ff is for Fruits of the Spirit , click on this free printable :


Other recommended products :


 Learning websites we used to supplement with our lessons:

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Letter of the Week Lessons


1 comment

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