DIY Baby Memory Frame Box - A Bountiful Love

DIY Baby Memory Frame Box

The birth of our girls was one of those life's precious moments that I will never get tired to reminisce.  My hubby once told me , Lucy made us a family and Lily made our family complete. I am a sentimental junkie. I am proud of it. However , I do have a problem. A good one though. I find it really hard to let go of some of their baby things. You know..those onesies...the bibs ( yes, the bibs! ). I love to document their "firsts". I have a ton of keepsakes!

Trying to choose from all of the memorable keepsakes of our newborn s challenging for me. We can not hoard on everything.  There will be a whole lot of "Firsts" in our children's lives. I was so excited to be able to come up with a keepsake box. A memory box that will showcase their first day with us. This is such an easy and frugal project to make. Deciding which stuff to put inside was the hardest..I think!

I decided to include the following,
Onesies -- the onesie that my husband bought from the hospital's gift shop right after their birth. It has milk stains on it...they wore it during their first weeks. I didn't even bother to remove the stains. They are special like that.

Lily's beanie from the hospital.

Lucy's mittens

Hospital birth cards and bracelets

Their beautiful picture at the hospital.

 Ultrasound pictures.

For this project you will need:

Shadow Box Frame

Some Scrapbook paper for the background

Glue gun to secure your materials

Embellishment to decorate your memory box, I made  flowers out of felt fabric.

All you have to do is decide how are you going to showcase or design your shadow boxes. Use a glue gun or a pin to secure the baby keepsakes. You can also use scrapbook stickers. You can also include their foot and hand prints!

It always bring a smile to my face whenever I see this,  it never fails.  How fast they grow..

I have these proudly displayed in our hallway.

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for ”




Check these easy projects too!

DIY Family Signs


  1. I have to share this with my older daughter whose having a baby. Such a great idea. Pinning to my baby board.Thanks for sharing at the party @DearCreatives Hope to see you again soon. Theresa ;)

    1. Hi Theresa! It's my pleasure and thank you for stopping by..

  2. I love this! So excited to try! 2 questions: Where did you get the frame box? Also, is it a 12 x 12? Thanks! I found your blog from Wise Woman Link up. Blessings, Jessica

    1. Hi Jessica , Thank you for stopping by..appreciate it. Bought the frame box from Michael's and yes it is 12 x 12.
      Take care!

  3. This is such a unique way to preserve such amazing moments in life. Thanks so much for sharing it with us at the Mommy Monday Blog Hop!

  4. Awwwww! We're going to be making one of these for our wedding stuff! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing on Merry Monday! -Treana @


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