Must-Have Books for Preppers - A Bountiful Love

Must-Have Books for Preppers

 I had shared in my recent post: Frugal Prepping, how indispensable certain skills are into prepping. Even if you have already stocked up on essential food and non-food items, there are certain skills and knowledge that we have to learn by reading, watching, or by joining a course. If you have a ton of food items but do not know how to prepare them or cook them, how will that benefit you? Not unless of course, you have stocked your prepper pantry with ready to eat meals. Let's just say, a situation required you to bug out (leaving your current location when disaster strikes)? You have all the bug-out things but do not know how to make a fire, or defend yourself... the supplies that you spend money on will be useless.

   Here are my top 6 books that every prepper or non-prepper must have in their library. I am only sharing 6 as I wanted books that serve dual or several purposes as well as comprehensive books that cover the needs of my family. This is obviously a small list as compared to the massive books that you will encounter when you start building your own prepper (or non-prepper) library. My only advice is that before purchasing these books, you can borrow them from your local library or download the books from Kindle to see if its worth the purchase. Some prepper books are free on Kindle! This month I found the book "A Year Without the Groecry Store", free on Kindle and I've been wanting to read that book for a while now. The books I'm sharing below are the books that will work for our family. Of course every prepper out there will have their own preference so make your decision based on what your family will need and what you see fit.

READ NEXT: Crucial Prepper Skills You Need to Learn (Survival Skills)

*This post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon links. I love sharing resources and products that I and my family use. Using the links from my site will earn me a small commission from your purchase at NO EXTRA COST to you. Thank you and if you have any questions or concerns, please do reach out to me via email or comments.

. Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills (Back to Basics Guide) by Abigail Ghering


  The title itself gives away what the book is about. It teaches you basic traditional skills that are already forgotten. In this day in age where we highly depend on technological connectivity, a lot of the basic skills are not being practiced and passed on to the next generation. Some of the skills that are discussed in this thread are how to dye your wool using plant pigments, raise chickens, and graft trees. And if you are up for it, this book has a tutorial on how to build a log cabin. There is a wealth of information in this book, including mouthwatering recipes to making homemade toys.


$10.35 (Paperback)

  I have mentioned in this post how imperative it is to learn certain skills in the outdoors. It is not only for survivalism but bushcraft skills let you enjoy the outdoors on a whole new level. Based on the 5C's of survivability(cutting tools, covering, combustion devices,  containers, and cordages) that helps you use the resources available from your environment and surrounding. Think about making your tools, shelter, collecting, and cooking food as well as protecting yourself in the wild.


  Similar to having a prepper pantry if the supply chain gets disrupted or any emergency arises, self-reliant medical care is also crucial. This book provides the basis for prevention, identifications, and management of survivable medical conditions that only require minimal training. It also discusses supplies you will need to stock, storing them, and what to do when medical care is not available (off-grid to no grid). The book is an easy reference when you are specifically looking for certain information. 
  The contents section allows you to locate the proper subject and chapter that you are looking for. There is an Initial assessment and focused assessment section that also refers you to the exact page that tells you what to do and how to act if something is not right. The book also has sections with diagnostic tabes with references for further evaluations. Lastly, it has a Clinical Reference Index that serves as a comprehensive cross-referencing tool between symptoms, conditions, and treatment.



This book contains a step-by-step guide including techniques and DIY projects that helps you and your family prepare (and survive) for an emergency situation such as disasters and catastrophe, Skills such as water collection, foraging, and hunting your own food, and first aid treatments are discussed in this book.


This offers a guide to 32 of the common edible wild plants in wild America. How neat it to be able to distinguish plants that you can consume while hiking or walking in nature? Details of where the edible plants can be identified, harvested, prepared, and cultural history are just a few of the features of this book.


  This book contains 400 recipes and comprehensive directions on safe canning and preservation methods. It will also provide the tools and equipment you may need to get you started in canning. This book is not just for individuals who are experts on canning but it is also perfect for first-time canners. I don't know about you but I had been wanting to learn different ways of preserving food for long-term purposes and this book will not overwhelm you with the procedures.

   There you go, that was my top six! Other books that I think are also important to add to your prepper library is the Bible. In times of turmoil and uncertainty, we need to be spiritually grounded and ready. Attitude and faith will get you further to your next step then towards your goal. In times of a crisis, a negative attitude and the lack of faith will not only make your judgment cloudy but it will lead you to make poor choices.

How about you? Do you have any book suggestions? 

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