Guess what? With one child, I was NOT perfect ( ugh..and will never be!) BUT I was still able to catch up with everything. I still have a whole lot of opinion on being a mom and a wife. Life is still good! It looked like I was cut out for motherhood. All I think about was how to baby proof our house, how can I be an advocate of breastfeeding ( without shoving it down people's throat), how can I make that project I just saw on Pinterest ( and even make it better) , how can I perfectly orchestrate my post on Facebook ( and thank goodness, I was not on Instagram yet at that time).
Life happens. Life can suck. We were financially challenged during those recession times back in 2008. It took a while to recover. We had our second child. A lot of things happened in between too. We recovered and we were blessed in so many ways. I gave my life to Christ. While being faithful does not give you immunity to stress and problems. Life also has a way of teaching you lessons. Though life can suck , it is not about how bad your situation is. It should be about how you will handle it. My walk with the Lord is not always splendid. Truthfully, there are Sundays that I was just too tired to go to service. I am not consistent with my devotional and bible reading...and the most challenging of to walk the talk. It is hard to gracefully raise kids.
Carpools, work, appointments , school events/home works , community events, after school events/practices , meals , school lunches, bills , sickness , chores and making sure to raise a responsible and decent human being --- That is too much right? I am sure I have forgotten some responsibilities! I am only a mother of two..two young girls and I was worn out. Lost sometimes, I would cry to my husband when I didn't know how to discipline my girls. I got so busy working on my own. I was too tired , depleted and I just know that heart is NOT in the right place. I have lost my drive on motherhood. I suddenly thought, "I am not cut for being a great mom".
I forgot that even if life can suck, I can choose to live life more abundantly. I have forgotten to ask my Heavenly Father for help! I am pulled into many different directions and I have forgotten to realize that I have a choice. I have neglected the fact that I can rest on God's love. I had let my soul dry up.
Here's 7 ways how moms can inspire their heart and soul.
1. Rest into Christ.
As moms, we are performance driven. I bet you do have one of those nice and fancy planners so we can always fill it up with our "To Do's" and check it off when we have successfully done the task. I sometimes do more planning than doing. It feels like a hamster on a wheel. We need to rest in God. Fall in love with God. Whatever it is that the season of motherhood is calling you to, rest in His Word.
Read: Matthew 11:28
2. Be proactive in guarding your heart.
Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6-7 that prayer will guard our hearts. Through praying and communicating with God , comes peace from God. Peace that comes from trusting God that He is in control. You got this mom because God is for YOU. Guard your heart from anger and criticism. Guard your heart from what is coming in. Our mind will always be a battlefield but our hearts can be our shield.
3. Unlpug
Unplug for a while. Set a specific day or time. The enemy has it's ways in our mind. When we scroll into our feeds looking into people's curated and staged posts/photos..we unconsciously and silently compare our lives to theirs. It can wear you down. Sometimes, instead of being happy for others we tend to forget what could be the story behind every photo.
4. Use Social Media wisely.
While I suggested to unplug, I also like to add..following the right people. I do love Instagram! Most especially those IG accounts that proudly displays their mouthwatering healthy meal plans and meal preps. I honestly wonder how do they do it! BUT I love that part of Instagram because it gives me a whole lot of ideas and inspiration.
Follow , Christian and Godly women or account too. Here's a few of my favorite Inspiring Instagram accounts:
LifeWay Women ( @lifewaywomen)
Thrive Moms (@thrivemoms)
She Reads Truth ( @shereadstruth)
Focus On the Family (@focusonthefamily)
Women of Faith (@womenoffaith)
Women Living Well ( @womenlivingwell)
5. Read the Bible.
So how do we rest and trust in the Lord if we do not know God. To know Him is to love Him. Know Him through the Bible. Set a specific time and a day to do Bible reading. I specifically love it in the morning while the girls are sleeping. If that does not happen in the morning, find a way to make it happen in that day. You can also journal and write Bible passages that you can memorize and know by heart. Reflect on those verses , not just on difficult days or when your soul needs feeding..reflect on good days too. Praise Him with awe!
6. Music
Quiet your mind too by listening to good and relaxing music. You can listen to yoga music , nature sounds or whatever hits your fancy. I personally love listening to yoga music, Enya , Etta James , some Indie music and worship songs!! See my favorite worship songs HERE.
Berthold Auerbach
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life "
7. Find an activity that clears your mind.
Find that simple activity that lifts your mood. That activity that you certainly love to do. I love to read and journal. I also find coloring and doodling pleasing. I love to use gel highlighters on my Bible and I doodle and draw too using colored pencils. Keeps my mind off of unnecessary things. It quiets the mind.
I am a fan of Inkspirations
To purchase the coloring books: SEE HERE
Product Highlight :
Inkspirations The Art of Grace
Creative Coloring Designs to Inspire Christian Hearts
Creative Coloring Designs to Inspire Christian Hearts
Artist: Erin Leigh
As a Christian woman, the grace of God adds nuances to the portrait of who you are — be it a wife, a sister, a mom, or friend. A full life with meaningful relationships, supporting those you love and care for, can often leave you feeling depleted. With Inkspirations The Art of Grace, you can renew your heart and soul by spending quiet, creative time with yourself and with God.
Creative Coloring Design to Inspire Christian Moms
Artist: Lorrie Bennett
Artist: Lorrie Bennett
Guided by the Spirit, as a Christian mom, you strive to raise your children in a world of constant change, with God’s wisdom as your constant guidepost. But when you are pulled in many different directions, sometimes you feel depleted. With Inkspirations Fruit of the Spirit for Moms, you can restore and renew your spirit by spending creative, reflective time with God. With perforated pages for framing or sharing, this is a perfect way to relax and unwind as you create beautiful works of art while rejoicing in the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
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DISCLOSURE: I received one or more of the products/services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it in my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this is in accordance with FTC guidelines.
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