Big List of USES for Baking Soda , Vinegar , Lemon and Hyrdrogen Peroxide - A Bountiful Love

Big List of USES for Baking Soda , Vinegar , Lemon and Hyrdrogen Peroxide

     It's been a while since we last purchased a spray bottle of a commercial cleaner. Like most of you, I've tried a lot of products. Store brand, cheap priced, high priced, organic, and natural cleaning products. I am devoted to cutting our expenses without sacrificing the quality for my family, so I did my fair share of reading through books for safe and inexpensive cleaning supplies. We all know how curious toddlers and kids can be, I did ditch all of my store-bought cleaners and switched to green ( homemade) cleaning for my daughters. Aside from cleaning uses, there is a lot more you can do just by using these four common household and kitchen staples.

These four are my favorite natural products. Discover their many amazing uses.


Aside from being a kitchen/baking'll be surprised at its many uses.

  • As a substitute for baking powder by mixing it with cream of tartar or vinegar.
  • Soaking the raw fish in a baking soda solution for an hour inside the fridge to remove the fishy smell
  • To wash fruits and vegetables with it.
  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water while boiling the chicken. Feathers will come off easier, and the flesh will be clean and white.
  • Sprinkle it on your slippers, boots, shoes, and socks to eliminate foul odor.
  • Keep cut flowers fresh longer by adding a teaspoon to the water in the vase.
  • Mix half a teaspoon with peroxide paste and use it as toothpaste.
  • Use it as an antacid.
  • Underarm deodorant by applying it with a powder puff.
  • Apply it on rashes, insect bites, and poison ivy irritations. 
  • Freshen the air by mixing baking soda with your favorite essential oils.
  •  Add a cup to the toilet, leave it for an hour, and then flush. It will clean the toilet and absorb the odor.
  • Use it to scrub sinks, showers, plastic and porcelain tubs
  • Add a spoonful to your dishwasher to make scrubbing dishes easier.
  • Remove grease from pots and pans.
  • Dry clean carpets and upholstered furniture by sprinkling baking soda over the fabric and gently brushing it.
  • Boost your laundry detergent’s cleaning power by sprinkling a handful on dirty clothes.
  • Combine it with water to make a paste for polishing stainless steel and chrome.
  • To remove scratches and crayon marks from vinyl floors and walls.
  • To remove burned-on food from a pan by soaking it in a baking soda solution for 10 mins prior to washing.


The most economical and ingenious product you can have. Its many uses don't just stop in the cooking department. Here are a few:

  • Remove mineral deposits from coffee makers with white distilled vinegar. Fill the water reservoir with 1 cup or more of white distilled vinegar and run it through a whole cycle. Run it once or twice more with plain water to rinse clean. (always check the owners’ manual first.) 
  • Remove stains from coffee and teacups by scrubbing them gently with equal parts of salt (or baking soda) and white distilled vinegar. Rinse clean. 
  • For stained and smelly plastic food containers, wipe them with a cloth dampened with white distilled vinegar.
  • Get rid of fruit flies by setting out a small dish of undiluted white distilled vinegar. 
  • Wipe grease off exhaust fan grids, the inside of your oven, or anywhere grease gathers with a sponge soaked in white distilled vinegar. 
  • To make cleaning the grill easier, spray a solution of half water and half white distilled vinegar on the cooking surface. 
  • To remove a label, decal, or price tag, cover with a cloth soaked in white distilled vinegar. Leave the cloth on overnight and the label should slide off. 
  • Renew sponges and dishrags by placing them in just enough water to cover them. Then add 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar. Let them soak overnight.
  • Prevent lint from clinging to clothes by adding 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar to the wash cycle. 
  • To remove soap residue that makes black clothes look dull use white distilled vinegar in your final rinse. 
  • Get stained white socks and dingy dishcloths white again. Add 1 cup white distilled vinegar to a large pot of water, bring it to a rolling boil and drop in the articles. Let soak overnight. 
  • Attack spaghetti, barbecue, or ketchup stains with a white distilled vinegar and water solution. 
  • Remove perspiration odor and stains on clothing, as well as those left by deodorants, by spraying full-strength white distilled vinegar on underarm and collar areas before tossing them into the washing machine. 
  • Forgot that you left wet laundry in the machine and it now smells moldy? Pour a few cups of white distilled vinegar into the machine and wash the clothes in hot water. Then run a normal cycle with detergent. 
  • Remove smoky odors from clothes by filling the bathtub with very hot water and 1 cup white distilled vinegar. Hang the garments above the steaming water and shut the door so the steam can penetrate the fibers. 
  • Keep the steam iron clean and in good working order by getting rid of mineral deposits in steam vents and spray nozzles. Fill the water chamber with a solution of equal parts white distilled vinegar and distilled water. Set it in an upright position and let it steam for about 5 minutes. When the iron is cool, rinse the tank with water, refill and shake water through the vents onto an old cloth. Always test before using.
  • Remove scorch marks from an iron by rubbing it with a warmed-up solution of equal parts white distilled vinegar and salt. If that doesn’t work, use a cloth dampened with full-strength white distilled vinegar. 
  • Remove musky smells from cotton clothes by sprinkling them lightly with white distilled vinegar and then pressing them.


You know that saying " When life gives you a lemon..."? Well, there's a whole lot you can do with lemon other than lemonade.
  • Sanitize a chopping block. Run a slice of lemon over the surface to disinfect.
  • Eliminate the browning that occurs when food sits out too long. Sprinkle apple or pear slices with lemon juice before serving, or squeeze a bit into guacamole and give it a stir. 
  • Remove tough food stains from plastic and light-colored wooden cutting boards. Slice a lemon in half, squeeze the juice onto the soiled surface, rub, and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with water. 
  • Fade tea stains on cloth. Dilute lemon juice with an equal amount of water. Use an eyedropper or a Q-tip to make sure the juice targets the stain. Thoroughly flush with cool water. 
  • Decorate on the cheap. Fill a glass bowl with lemons for a sunny centerpiece. Or display a row of them along a windowsill. 
  • Relieve a sore throat. Cut a lemon in half. Skewer one half over a medium flame on a gas stove or an electric burner set on high and roast until the peel turns golden brown. Let cool slightly, then mix the juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Swallow the mixture. 
  • Whiten fingernails. Rub a wedge on the surface of your nails. 
  • Shine the interior of copper cookware. Sprinkle a lemon wedge with salt, then scrub. 
  • Brighten laundry whites. Add 1/2 cup lemon juice to the wash cycle of a normal-size load. 
  • Remove soft cheese or other sticky foods from a grater. Rub both sides of the grater with the pulp side of a cut lemon.


  • As a foot soak. For Foot Fungus -cure a foot fungus, simply spray a 50/50 mixture of Hydrogen peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
  • Cleaning ears (disinfectant) (1% to 3%)
  • As a toot paste, mixed with baking soda (disinfectant, very mildly bleaching) (1% to 3%)
  •  Douche- Add 2 capfuls of 3% Hydrogen peroxide in warm distilled water once to twice a week to remove even chronic yeast infections.
  • Mouthwash -Many people don’t realize that hydrogen peroxide makes a very effective and inexpensive mouthwash. Use 3% H202 – add a dash of liquid chlorophyll for flavoring if desired. 
  • Toothbrush - just dip your brush in 3% H202 and brush. Soak your toothbrush in Hydrogen peroxide to keep them free of germs.
  •  Mold - Clean with Hydrogen peroxide when your house becomes a biohazard after its invaded by toxic mold, such as those with water damage. 
  •  Humidifiers/Steamers -Use 1 pint 3% Hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of water.
  • Disinfect - countertops. high chairs, toys, doorknobs.

Go over your house now and see what chemical cleaners you can swap for these household and kitchen staples! It's not only earth-friendly but indeed budget-friendly.

Useful Resources:

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  1. Hey! I saw that you like crafts and I wanted to check your blog out, I love it! You might like mine too! Come stop by and leave me a comment or follow me if you like my blog! I'd appreciate it!

  2. I'd love to!!! Would love for you to follow mine too..i sure do appreciate and welcome new ideas. Thank you Alyssa!

  3. Ate Khit, since we have granite countertops, I didn't want to use harsh, abrasive cleaners too so I also made my own. My solution consists of: alcohol, dish soap, and water. Works wonders :-)

    Awesome tip on the lemon down the garbage disposal! :D

  4. thank you she for the tip and for visiting my blog!

  5. fantastic! I LOVE vinegar and baking soda and use them almost exclusively. I dont have hydrogen peroxide...maybe I will look into that!

    1. Hi Brianna,

      Me too..endless uses :) Thank you for stopping by..really appreciate it!

      Have a wonderful 2014 !

  6. Every household needs to know these tips and tricks. Thank you! Just the things for Spring cleaning.


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