Kool Aid Play Dough - A Bountiful Love

Kool Aid Play Dough

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Here's a fun, cheap and safe play dough recipe for kids!


1 cup flour
1 cup boiling water
1/4 cup salt
1 - 1 1/2 tsp of oil
1 packet of  Kool aid.
 Gel Food colors


 For the Kool Aid: In a small mixing bowl , Mix the flour , salt and the kool aid powder. Add the boiling water ( pls be careful) and the oil. Give it a good stir.  I then placed the dough in my kitchen counter to knead it..it will be hot for a lillte while so you may want to give it a couple minutes to cool down. Just enough so you can knead it. To make different colors , you may do this in several batches or just double or triple the recipe

As for the Gel Food color:  Mix all the dry ingredients : flour and salt. Add the boiling water , a couple drops of gel food color and oil.  THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE : I added another cup of flour and a tbsp more of oil while kneading it. The coloring spread nicely and fast..less kneading.

Both recipe are just good, safe and too cute to look at.

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Store in the fridge using an airtight container.

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