Blogger Spotlight Link and Pin-it Party #16 - A Bountiful Love

Blogger Spotlight Link and Pin-it Party #16

Welcome to the Bloggers Spotlight Link and Pin-it Party. I am back! I was blessed to be able to spend time with family in Philippines! The four of us traveled and thank goodness our 16 hour trip went well. Think about a 13 hr trip to Korea for a lay over and a 3 hr trip to Manila with a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old.  It went tantrums and fits! Thank goodness. Y'all if you plan on visiting Asia, consider Korea airlines ( not a paid ad or not an affiliate). I am a big fan of their kids meal and their in flight activity for kids. The stewardess are amazing! Though this is not their first international flight, I was still worried about how our girls would handle the long flight. Read here for our first experience where I shared some tips :  Worry Free International Travel With Kids and How We Paid Cash For Our International Travel.

 I am  thankful for my amazing co-hosts for keeping the party running and fun while I was away.  Thank you for making the party successful and wonderful! We enjoyed stopping by and learning new things. If you are new here, welcome and we are glad to have you. If not, welcome back!

Here's what you may have missed from your hosts :

Thank you for sharing the word on our party too, we really appreciate each and every one of you. 

Cristina of A Bountiful Love 

Finding A Balance Between Mothering VS. Smothering 
by Mommy Wants Coffee

When An Unexpected Job Loss Strikes
by Carol Cassara and guest post Joanne Bucci Sullivan

Visit my other co-hosts Hilary , Lindsey, Carrie and Rachael to check their features!

 If you are featured, don't forget to grab your button!

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Help us spread the word and grab our party button!

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By adding your link to this blog hop gives A Bountiful Love and all the hosts permission to share your posts and pictures via social media. Emails are obtained ONLY TO NOTIFY participants of the next link-up and for that reason only. You may opt out of these emails by unsubscribing from them at any time. 
 Simple Link Up Rules

1. ALL encouraging and wholesome post are welcome. Old and new. You are welcome to share as many posts as you like! 
2.  Not a must but we appreciate if you can follow your hosts in any way , let us know if you are a new follower, we will return the love back.
3.  Leave a link to your actual post and not your home page. A link back to your host, is greatly appreciated.

Simple Pin-It Party Rules
1.Old or new posts or pins are welcome! Link up pins that you think needed more attention. Leave the pinned Pinterest link , not your actual post.
2. Please re -pin at least 2 other links. Return the re-pin love!

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Thank you for stopping by and know that all of your comments are appreciated !