The new year is fast approaching and I am sure that you have a new set of goals. Most of you will have a list of New Year's resolution that involves being debt-free or just being able to control your expenses. There is no shame in trying to get rid of your debt or learning how to have a budget. Knocking down our debt is one of our main goals. It is easy to start so motivated during the first two months and will find it hard to stay motivated throughout the year. I think the first 3 months will be hard.
There are several books that I personally love and will re-read again to stay on track. The common ground from all the books below is having a budget and living a simple life. I would also suggest to keep on praying. We can't do this on our own. We need to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and grant ups he peace as well as self-control in times of "wanting". Living from a life of "full" is essential to every journey. We need to transform our minds that there is nothing that we lack and that our needs will always be provided under the grace of God. Stay faithful.
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I've had this book for a while now and I always recommend it.
Best and inspiring line: " financial freedom is 80% behavior and 20% knowledge "
This book gives you baby and do able steps towards your financial freedom. Married couples can greatly benefit from this book. But it is also geared towards 20 to 30 yrs old. The book also shared a real-life experience that will really get you motivated. If you think paying off your debt is impossible or even paying a car with cash is a this book!
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More and Restore Your Passion for Life.
by Crystal Paine
Let me start with, this book is not just for bloggers. It is for all MOMS. Moms, from different walks of life. Working moms, stay at home moms. Why geared towards moms? Because we always have the "Superwoman" attitude. We love our family and our work so much that we tend to forget taking care of number one--> YOURSELF. We gave in to the vicious cycle of having less to no sleep to "do more". We do not ask for help and simplify things when needed, we are perfectionist, we try to do it all and don't slow down. We fail to manage our finances. All of these will just result in a very, very bad case of burning out. I've been there, I think we all did at one point. I like it when she shed light on how sacrifices and having faith can greatly affect your finances.
I love this book so much that I actually gave it as gifts for Christmas. Very useful, a book that you need to keep on your shelf all the time as a reminder.
by Ruth Soukup
How serious are you in changing your behaviors and finances? If you can commit 31 days into doing her clear and insightful assignments, you will succeed. Do not underestimate this book though, it may be a one focus goal - spending zero, you will be surprised at how she laid out a clear plan, doable actions, and helpful resources! No spending in a month can really be a scary and impossible idea for some but this book will show you that it is indeed possible. It will change your behavior and your outlook. Focusing more on the positive side than what you are giving up.
by Steve and Annette Economides
I know, don't raise an eyebrow on me. They’ve been called cheapskates and tightwads. During tough economic times, Steve and Annette have managed to feed their family of seven on just $350 per month, pay off their first house in nine years and purchase a second, larger home, buy cars with cash, take wonderful vacations, and put money in savings. Without degrees in finance or six-figure salaries. They had created a
comfortable life for their family and most of all--- debt-free!
I had read this book over 2 yrs ago I think and I would still recommend it in a heartbeat. You do not have to do every single thing they did. They provided tons of ideas on how to save money and how to stop living paycheck to paycheck!
The Complete Tightwad Gazette
by Amy Dacyczyn
The Complete Tightwad Gazette
by Amy Dacyczyn
Okay so another tightwad term, that some people find it so offending and shameful. To start with your financial goal, you need to stop being ashamed of being a tightwad and Amy will just make you realize that there is nothing wrong with that. Read this book and it will change your life. Again, let me repeat that. Read this book and it will change your life. She will also give you some insight into raising your kids in a world of materialism.
Just like any other frugal living books out there, you do not have to do every single thing that she does. Tweak it according to your family. Eliminate what doesn't work. Let her insights on frugality inspire you to come up with ways based on your family needs. She gave a whole lot of options throughout the book.
Less Stuff More Life
by Amy Maryon
Less Stuff More Life
by Amy Maryon
I am a huge fan of Amy Maryon. I first saw her from an ad (Facebook Ad) for 310 shakes. I normally scroll ads but there was something about her. Her voice was so sincere. She is a blogger and sadly, some bloggers have gained a reputation of advertising products that do not align with what they claim to stand for or they accept a paid sponsorship for the money. But then again, there was just something about her sincerity. So I did what a not so sane woman will do, I googled her. I found her YouTube channel and I became a fan.
This woman is full of energy, passion, sincerity, and knowledge. If you don't believe me, go on and watch one of her videos. You will be inspired either by her household management or by her meal prep skills. This book is one of the books that she had written. She takes a path to eliminates chaos for peace in her own life. By choosing to eliminate things that do not add to it, you will be able to successfully remove the clutter to experience Less Stuff for More Life.
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